Proper Telephone Etiquette Every True Gentleman Should Know
Proper telephone etiquette is extremely important. The impression you make via the telephone will last, whether you are making the call or receiving calls. If you want that perception to be a positive one, here are some helpful hints that will help to make your phone conversations more effective.
Over the weekend, I met with Tobi, my fellow bearded friend at Radisson Blu Anchorage Hotel, Victoria Island.
We sat by the poolside of the hotel, enjoying the feeling of cool breeze caressing our bearded cheeks, as we sipped our favourite cocktail – while engaging in a deep conversation about fashion, technology, and entrepreneurship.
Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted by a loud voice we heard behind us. We both looked and saw this gentleman dressed in stonewashed blue jeans and a denim top.
He had just walked in through the door leading to the outer section of the Hotel; close to the pool where we sat.
He was talking loudly on the phone, and we could hear every bit of his conversation – [and we weren’t even eavesdropping on him!]
At first, I wondered – Is he shouting ‘cos he’s angry at the person he’s talking to?
It didn’t seem so because he was smiling and looked calm as he continued raising his voice, obviously enjoying his loud conversation.
“Why do people feel the need to shout into their phones?” I asked
“I’m shocked as you bruv … this man lacks proper phone etiquette”. Tobi responded.
It then occurred to me that I had never talked about this topic here on MR KOACHMAN before. This is the main reason why I’m sharing this piece with you today.
You will all agree with me that a great deal of conversation we have these days is mostly over the phone and seriously, the impression you make via telephone will last.
A pleasant and good telephone manner can do a lot for you. It can help seal a business deal, make people recognize you as a professional. Here are a few tips to help you make a good impression on the phone when speaking with people:
We will look at a few tips that can help you make a good impression on the phone when speaking with people:
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Let’s look at the Most Important Rules of Proper Telephone Etiquette… when making a call and when receiving a call…
Here are the general steps to follow when you call someone on the phone.
- Always program your family, friends and clients’ numbers on your phone with their First Name and Last Name so that you can address them by their names as soon as you call them.
- Check the number carefully to ensure you dial it correctly. And, if you have dialled a wrong number, apologize. Don’t just hang up.
- Allow the phone to ring long enough [usually 5 to 6 times] to give the person time to get to the phone. Most people would call you and wait till it rings twice and they just hang up. Expecting you to call back or they just drop a message saying they were not able to reach you. This is very wrong.
- Be polite to anyone you speak with on the phone. Greet them pleasantly – they will appreciate this and they’ll be more willing to listen to you or attend to your request as the case may be.
- Always identify yourself to the person you are calling. Never call someone and ask the person “Who am I speaking with? without first identifying yourself. And, don’t make them guess who is calling. For e.g. you can say “Hello, Mr Tayo … this is Kobi on the line…”
- Unless you have a relationship with the person you are speaking with, don’t call them by a first name.
- It’s a good telephone etiquette to ask the person on the other end of the line if it’s a convenient time to talk. For E.g. you could say “Is this a good time to talk or am I interrupting anything?“
- Speak loud enough directly into the phone so he/she can hear you – without shouting. And when it’s not convenient, make use of a headset.
- Don’t interrupt while the other person is speaking. It’s very rude to do so.
- Observe courtesies like “Hello, Please, Thank you and Goodbye” throughout your phone conversation.
- If you become disconnected from a person you called, it is your responsibility to call back immediately. Don’t wait for them to call you back.
- Always end the call with a farewell message.
- It’s your responsibility to end the call, not the other person. Once you are done speaking with the person on the other end of the line, say goodbye and end the call.
- Hang up gently. An abrupt hang-up or slamming of the phone is unpleasant
- Keep it cool when hanging up the phone no matter how bad the conversation goes. The phone didn’t just upset you, the individual you just finished speaking with probably did, why then would you get angry at the phone – be a gentleman – hang up the phone gently?
Extra Tip | Telephone Etiquette When Making Calls:
- Stand up when making sales or business calls. This injects more energy into your voice because there is less pressure on your diaphragm unlike when you are sitting down. You will also feel more confident, be able to pitch more clearly and the prospect will be more likely to listen to you.
- If you must put someone on speakerphone make sure you let them know if someone is there with you.
- Don’t call someone you do not know so well during odd hours or when you know they are busy. For. e.g. early morning [before 7 am], after work hours [after 7 pm] or lunch time is usually not an appropriate time to call someone who is not family or a friend. If it is not urgent you might call anytime between 8 am and 6 pm, excluding lunch time usually 12 noon to 2 pm.
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- Answer your phone promptly [usually within 3 rings] to save the caller from having to ring again.
- If you have a company or in a meeting, but can take the call, pick up and let the caller know that you must be brief ‘cos you are in a meeting or that you will call back later.
- If you have a company or in a meeting, and cannot take the call, respond immediately via an SMS/text message to let the caller know. You can program some short messages on your phone so you can automatically send them once you have an incoming call that you are unable to answer.
- When you pick up your call, greet the caller pleasantly and politely. If you don’t have the caller’s information on your phone’s contact list, ask the caller for his or her name but be mindful of your tone of voice. For e.g. “Hello, whom am I speaking with?” could come out pplite or rude depending on your tone of voice.
- Always answer with a friendly greeting and a pleasant tone of voice – your caller will appreciate it. (Example – “Good Morning Tobi, how may I help you?” with a gentle tone of voice.
- Always return telephone calls and do so as soon as possible. This is applicable whereby you have missed someone’s call.
- If it is necessary to transfer a call, first inform the caller that you wish to do so.
- If you have to put the caller on hold, tell the caller you wish to do so or ask if you can call them back rather than keep them waiting indefinitely on the line.
- Never be in a hurry to end the call. Always end the conversation in a respectful manner.
- At all times, let the caller be the one to end the call first. Most people are guilty of ending their caller’s call as soon as the conversation is over. This is wrong.
- Remember to farewell the caller with, “Good bye” or something similar. Then, wait until they hang up before you put down the receiver or your phone gently.
Extra Tip | Telephone Etiquette When Receiving Calls:
- If the call is for someone else, and the person is not available to receive the call through your phone, you can take messages for them clearly and politely. And, be sure to pass on the message as soon as possible.
- Always program your family, friends and clients’ numbers on your phone with their First Name and Last Name so that you can address them by their names as soon as they call you. It’s very rude to keep asking your frequent callers the question – “Hello, who am I speaking with?” and don’t go about giving the stale excuse that you lost your phone or a certain virus wiped off your contact list. It’s simply impolite and unprofessional.
There you have it, having good telephone etiquette is a great way to make a good and long-lasting impression. In conclusion, here are 2 final tips you should take note of.
- Always, speak clearly and slowly and don’t forget to use appropriate language in business or official calls: Phrases to Use: One moment please, Yes, All right, Goodbye, He’s not available right now Phrases not to Use: Hang on, Yeah, Okey-doke, Bye-bye, She’s tied up right now
- Finally, never deliver bad news over the telephone, it should be done face-to-face.
There are lots of other telephone manners that you should know and apply. But these ones we have covered here are the laying foundations of good telephone etiquette.
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Until next time Gents, Continue to do well, live well and dress really well. Be Classy, always!
Yours in Style,
Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)
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