6 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world. It is a day most ladies look forward to, and because it’s about celebrating and appreciating the people you love, there are things you shouldn’t do on Valentine’s day.
Trust me, you don’t want to be in the wrong on Valentine’s day. Every lady wants to be swept off her feet on this special day and every man wants to be appreciated, therefore it is important that you both celebrate this special day together.
As a man, your partner has anxiously been waiting for you to wine and dine her on this special day for lovers. She wishes for that romantic date you’ve planned to celebrate each other, but how can you make her fantasies come true without screwing it up?
The first step is to follow these 6 things you shouldn’t do on Valentine’s Day. Once you can avoid them, the rest is history – the ball’s in your court!
Good luck, gent!
6 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Valentine’s Day
#1. Doing The Same Thing!
Doing the same thing year in year out can be a bit tiresome. Do something different every year! Don’t go to that same restaurant that you went to last year or buy her the same gifts – except it’s a tradition you both agreed to, then it’s fine.
But you can always decide to do it differently this year, make your date something out of the ordinary, dress stylishly and sweep her off her feet! Blow her mind by doing something she won’t see it coming and she’ll absolutely love it. It’s okay to be romantic because a gentleman is compassionate towards his lady’s needs.
#2. Never Forget Or Pretend To Forget!
This is a big mistake you don’t want to make, a gentleman never forgets special dates like birthdays, anniversaries or valentine. I understand that you can get busy with work and other responsibilities, but forgetting or pretending to forget is not a good excuse.
Instead, take the initiative and make plans together. This would even make her happier and appreciate you for being an attentive and caring partner. It doesn’t have to be the best in the world but simple enough to make it memorable.
#3. Don’t Propose If You’re Not Sure!
Valentine’s day seems like the perfect to pop the million-dollar question “Will you Marry me?”. While this is such a sweet and romantic gesture, I must warn you that it can go wrong – you don’t want to be on the losing end. I’d advise that you make sure the feeling is mutual, both of you have spoken about it and you believe that this will work.
#4. Don’t Compare Yourself With Others!
Don’t compare yourself with what other people are doing-especially on social media. Never copy by celebrating so lavishly or demanding from your partner because you want to follow what’s on social media. Instead, appreciate what you have and make the required efforts to make your day beautiful rather than asking for something your partner can’t give you or appreciate.
#5. Don’t Overdo It
It’s okay to shower your partner with gifts and dinner dates but don’t get carried away and spend on gifts that are not necessary or way out of your league. While your intentions may be pure and you want to express your love, don’t go spending on things you can’t afford because you’ll regret it and it will affect the relationship later. Spend within your means, in the end, it’s the thoughts that count.
#6. Don’t Let It End On Valentine!
A lot of men only show their romantic side to their partner on Valentine’s day. Valentine is just a day in a year but you should celebrate it every day with your partner. Keep the fire alive and do make special plans with them every now and then. Needless to say, keep loving your partner and keep the spark alive so every day will be a valentine and you would not need a reason to celebrate your love!
Final Thoughts
Valentine’s day is more about celebrating and appreciating love. While you want to go all out for your partner, you should also remember that no gift item could replace the gift of time shared with your loved ones. So I will advise you to plan ahead on how you can spend quality time with your loved one this coming Valentine’s Day.
For gifts for your loved ones, head over to our Instagram Shop Page, to purchase gift items for HIM/HER.
Make it a day to remember – for all the right reasons. Have a memorable Valentine’s day!
Until next time, continue to Do Well. Live Well and Dress Really Well. Stay Classy, always!
Yours in Style,
Kobi O. Mbagwu
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