Dining Etiquette | How to Navigate Office Dining & Drinking

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Dining etiquette is the set of manners and behaviors that are expected of a person while eating. 

Dining etiquette rules apply before you ever take your seat and continue after you excuse yourself from the table.

Business people eating

Work is a necessary part of most people’s lives. And with work comes routine, including eating and drinking in shared spaces and with what can often be people that you don’t know that well. How then, do you do so without affecting your work status?

For starters, you have to eat: Skipping lunch, as many workers do, is not only unhealthy, but it also impacts your job performance. And getting lunch out of a vending machine? That’s an even less ideal option.


Whether you end up bringing your own food or getting food and bringing it back to the office, there are steps you can take to be respectful while eating with co-workers. That includes shying away from particularly strong foods, and keeping your space neat and clean.

And if you have to have drinks during out-of-office time with coworkers, there are steps you can take to maintain professionalism. Learn the best of eating and drinking at work with this helpful graphic.


dining etiquette

Infographic by Quill


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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen.
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My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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