The 13 Most Common Mistakes Men Make in Bed That Irritate Women

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What are the Common Mistakes Men Make in Bed That Annoy Women?

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

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“Babe, a lot of men are so clueless in the bedroom department and make silly mistakes that they don’t even know that we have to fake it all the time” – she exclaimed over her phone [obviously unaware of her high-pitched voice]… as she walked out the elevator door and made her way down the steps leading to the underground car park [where I was].

It was around 10:30 PM, I was visiting a VIP client of mine for an impromptu style consultation meeting regarding the creation of his Travel Capsule Wardrobe; he had to leave the country the following day, for a business trip. And, I had just parked my car in the basement of the building where he resides.

As I walked up the short flights of stairs leading to the underground elevator door [where the lady was just coming out from], I could hear every bit of her phone conversation. Our eyes met, I could tell she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the basement car park that late. I could see the shock written all over her face as we walked past each other, assured that I heard every bit of her conversation.

I made my way into the elevator and turned around, I saw that the lady looked around as well – our eyes met again, then I whispered in a breathy voice with a slight wink and grin – Nah, not every man!” and then the elevator door closes.

That night – I learned something that could make or break a relationship.

So, guys permit me to discuss this matter here as I urgently felt the need to table this issue here today. Today’s topic is about Lifestyle, not Fashion – but I assure you, it’s what makes a complete gentleman.

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

As a man, we try to do all we can to please our woman in bed. But the truth is, sometimes we still manage to make these mistakes that annoy women during those intimate moments. This might be ruining your chances with them and for those who are married or in a relationship – she might be tempted to cheat on you!

What do I mean?

A great number of men believe that when it comes to the bedroom, they are the best. Every guy wants to believe that they check all the boxes of their significant other in the sexual department. They are very confident about their abilities, while there is nothing wrong with being confident it is always good to know what the other party wants or thinks without assuming that you’re a pro.

Sadly, most men just don’t have a clue and most rely on Pornography viewing to gain knowledge about sex and for these ones, their entire sexual experience is significantly Porn.

What’s the way forward?

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

The honest truth is that women just don’t have the heart to tell men when they’re doing it wrong!

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So you definitely need to keep reading because I have highlighted some of the mistakes men make in bed that annoy women. I hope you find this enlightening and you can learn from them.

Here are the 13 Mistakes Men Make in Bed That Annoy Women

1. Not Manscaping

bad grooming habits

In my previous article about bad grooming habits that women hate, I made mention of not manscaping as a big turnoff. Well, guys, here it is again, if you didn’t take it seriously then, now is a good time too. Besides, ladies have spoken and they believe that trimming it down there actually makes the tree look bigger (if you get what we mean). Furthermore, if they’re going to go down, you don’t want them getting pube hairs stuck in their teeth. You don’t have to necessarily shave everything, but it should be very neat and tidy below the belt. Got it? Okay, time for the second Mistake…


2. Overeager Kisses

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

This is one of the common mistakes men make in bed. When in the heat of the moment, you tend to kiss your partner with too much enthusiasm. Movies tend to exaggerate a lot, so we unknowingly copy them without knowing these are bad mistakes in the bedroom.

You don’t have to cover your partner with saliva or try to bite their mouth off all in the name of kissing, a little passion would be appreciated. If you want to bite, just nibble their lips or ear lobs. No ripping off clothes… and please ask your partner before trying any Christian Grey moves winks.


3. Insufficient Foreplay or No Foreplay

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Thirdly, not knowing how to get her turned on is really bad. Foreplay should not be omitted, neither should it be insufficient. Unlike men, women are wired differently, so they need extra work and a longer time to get on the road.

Don’t jump on the wagon, unzip your fly and gowham bam thank you, ma’am!.

Dude! You need to make them relax which will keep them in the mood. For a start, try to make out and kiss her for at least 15 to 20 minutes first – slowly undress her, touch her and warm her up. You can massage her to explore her body and know the right buttons to press – for some, it’s the breast that turns them on more and for others, it’s the coochie. Whichever it is, you will find out – you don’t necessarily have to ask.

In summary, patience is needed. Don’t rush her, and don’t be in a hurry to get to the “main event” – take your time to turn her on. Whether you’ve been in a long term relationship, married or just started seeing each other – this works.


4. Excessive Thrusting

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Going fast like you are Usain Bolt on a 200 meters race, running to win a medal? Common this isn’t marathon sex. It’s supposed to be a passionate moment that you need to bask and enjoy! It’s like rushing the food that is meant for you.

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If you pound away like a carpenter hitting a nail, you will come quickly. Trust me you don’t want that. For a more pleasurable and memorable experience, try slow rhythmic thrusts and tease erogenous areas. Be very attentive of her moans and body, if you’re doing it right you will know even if she is faking it. Her body will speak a language you will understand – and no it’s not a sign language.



Mistakes Men Make in Bed

This is one of the common mistakes men make in bed – coming before their partner. Remember “Ladies first”? Well, I have to break it to you, it applies to this situation too. Nobody likes a selfish lover.

While a man can get there easily, it usually takes a woman a little bit longer to get there than it takes men and even if she gets there faster than you, she might want to get there again and again because women are capable of having multiple orgasms.

While your pleasure is important, hers is also important… so just hold back a little bit. Just think of delayed gratification! Plus, if you do your job well she’d always want more ‘cos you rock her world. So give her a lasting impression!


Notable Mentions:


6. Being Silent and Emotionless

You aren’t a robot. Whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ear and seduce her with your words.


7. Assuming She’s Satisfied

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

If you are not doing it right, she can fake it to please you. So don’t assume she is satisfied, take the time to do all it takes to make her really satisfied – the real orgasmic experience she will have is nothing close to a faked orgasm.


8. Forcing her head with your hand during BJ sessions

Grabbing on your girl’s head and pushing it towards your willy is a great turn off for ladies. Let her go down on you when she is ready and let her do it at her pace. No further comments required.


9. Forcefully pulling on her nipples

The nipple isn’t a plaything neither it is a car radio knob. And even if you consider it a toy, please play with it gently – to avoid any damage.


10.  Closing your eyes during sex

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Why are your eyes closed? What are you thinking about? What else are you concentrating on? Avoid this by all means.


11. Going straight to her vajayjay immediately

You’ve just been kissing for 5 seconds, next thing your dick is out? Common! Even when you are driving to a destination – you start with warming up the engine of your car, then kick off the journey – you take straight roads, at a bend – turn right or turn left, you encounter traffic light – stop for a few seconds, multitask then continue till you arrive at your destination. However, If you passed your driving lesson, I don’t see any reason why this should be a problem for you.

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12. Body odor

I believe you already use an Antiperspirant daily. So to be double sure that body odor isn’t one of the mistakes you make in bed, a quick fix would be to have a quick cold shower just before sex.


13. Bad breath

Fix your teeth and do take care of it as often as you should – a regular visit to your dentist is statutory.



Final Thoughts

Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Finally, I assure you if you continue making these mistakes, you will definitely lose her respect.

If you’re guilty of these mistakes men make in bed, I hope that you learned something new today. Use the list to work on yourself and make necessary changes during your bedmatics.

You are now aware of the mistake men make in bed that most women hate, get back on track and put this information to good use. If you are married or in a long term relationship I’d advise that you be bold and ask your significant other to honestly tell you where you’re lacking.

For questions, you’re welcome to leave them in the comment section below and let’s see if experts in the house can assist further, ‘cos frankly speaking I’m not a Relationship Advisor or Sex Educator. I’m just here to ensure that you continue to do well, live well and dress really well.

‘Til next time, stay dapperfolks!

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu [Mr. Koachman]


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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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