How To Effectively Work From Home : 5 Success Tips
5 Tips on Working From Home Effectively and Productively During the Coronavirus Outbreak
If your job suddenly became remote, then this may be such a big change for you. But you can still be productive in the comfort of your home as long as you have the discipline to follow these 5 simple tips laid out below, which will help you effectively work from home while staying safe and productive.
Working from home is great on so many levels. For some people it helps them save money and time, while for some others, the excitement is not having to worry about “dressing up” or “dressing to impress” since they can work in sweats or pajamas/pajamas if they want to (except of course those whose job roles involve engaging with clients either via Skype or Zoom).
So yeah, these are the Pros!
How about the Cons?
Working from home is indeed great but it can as well be problematic if it’s not well managed.
So yeah, some challenges do come with working from home. This may include being distracted with domestic duties, unannounced visitors in the middle of the day, having kids around and all other kinds of distractions at home.
Here are some challenges that come with working from home.
From my experience working from home, I find that it’s easy for you to become your own worst enemy. You’re like your evil twin
You wonder, “how?”
Well, here’s the thing, first of all, you’re in your comfort zone and it’s easy to get too comfortable and you can lose focus on your daily task.
Secondly, there are tons of distractions at home – I mean there is Netflix, for those who love watching movies.
There is a well-stocked Fridge for those who love nibbling on snacks and having a drink or two while chilling at home.
Then you have your bedroom – your cozy bedroom, the thoughts keep rushing in “Rest a bit, sleep a little and continue working…” but don’t forget – A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want/scarcity like an armed man.
And thirdly, no one’s watching so it is easy to slack off because you don’t have your boss breathing down your neck. Also, there is no peer pressure, collaboration, or communal obligation to get stuff done.
Unlike working at the office surrounded by coworkers, you’re free to drop these pesky inhibitions.
Point Made: There are benefits of working from home and there are demerits!
This doesn’t take the icing off the cake because working from the home is a luxury that affords you many benefits to increase performance, business continuity, and achieve greater work-life balance. See? It’s not all bad…
So, what are the best ways to set yourself up for success when working from home? How do you stay focused and productive? Plus, how do you keep your work life separate from your home life?
You have to keep reading to find out!
5 Successful Tips To Work From Home Effectively
#1. Get Started Early
You should start the day as you would if you worked in an office. You should get up the same time you do when going to the office and get dressed.
Try to avoid any distractions once you sit down to work. The best way to effectively work from home is to utilize your to-do list as soon as you wake up. This means you have to first create a TO-DO LIST the previous day.
#2. Maintain A Regular Schedule
Without supervision, it is quite easy to slack off. It is easy to get so relaxed in your comfort zone that you forget about the many tasks and responsibilities waiting to be done. In order not to get too comfortable with my surroundings, I would make daily schedules and prioritize tasks that need to be done that day.
I also set realistic expectations for what I could accomplish daily. Once I started doing that, my productivity increased as I was determined to follow the plan I had laid out. I use Evernote for planning my tasks. Setting a schedule helps me provide a structure to my day, it also helped me to stay motivated. This helped me effectively work from home.
#3. Set Clear Boundaries
I understand that when working from home, it is easy to let your work life blur into your home life. It is very important to keep the two separate. One way to achieve that is to create a separate space in your home for work.
I also made sure that my family (and friends) understand that even though I was at home, I was unavailable during the work hours I had set for myself.
You should set strict rules for keeping your work life far from your home life. It’s all about boundaries and mindset, trust me this will help you effectively work from home.
#4. Take Regular Breaks
You can get so engrossed in work that you lose track of the time that you forget to take breaks. I was also guilty of this sin. You are more productive when you take about a 15-minute break after every 60 minutes of working. I know it’s not easy, but you just gotta do it. These short breaks help you reset your brain and can help you reduce stress levels.
A break can be as simple as reading a book, a walk around the house while thinking or meditating, a quick and simple exercise or stretch. Then you can get back to work.
#5. Set Realistic Work Hours
For those who own their own business or are self-employed, this is for you. Do NOT adopt this work style tip if you work for an organization that has defined set times for work or if your job role isn’t entirely Flexible.
If you are going to be committed to working from home as an entrepreneur/business owner or if you manage to find a Remote job that is flexible and also fits your career aspirations, then you have to set specific work hours. The beauty of it is that you can be flexible in setting your working hours. For example, I am a night owl so I prefer to do my task in the dead of the night when most people are asleep. I find it easier to get tasks done, so I set my work hours from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m. Then sleep for about 7-8 hours and then I’m up from bed by 11 am or 12 noon.
It is best to know your productive hours so you can take advantage of that time to be more productive with your work. By doing this, you will manage your time effectively. Make sure to communicate your work schedule to co-workers, teams, and partners.
Dress with confidence so you look good, feel better, and do your best as you work from home.
Dressing in clean, tidy, and properly fitted clothes increases confidence and self-esteem whether you are indoor or outdoor. You should endeavor to wear smart clothes when at home – Ultra casual or Casual is the best and most appropriate dress code when working from home. For men, ultra-casual means a T-shirt, Sweater, shorts, and comfortable casual slip-on footwear or slippers. For women, ultra-casual means T-shirt, Fitted Blouse, Sweater, Comfortable pants, and casual slippers.
The only exception is when you have a business meeting that requires a face-to-face Skype or Zoom call, in which case I will strongly suggest you push up the formality level of your outfit to smart casual when working from home. Nothing more than Business Casual no matter the engagement.
Do’s And Don’ts To Help You Work From Home
Listen to work productivity music throughout the day to stay focused.
Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading this piece.
Whether you are stuck at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic or you lost your job, you are expected to still work from home productively and effectively whether for your company or yourself.
This is very challenging especially for those who are already used to working from their office desk with co-workers around.
I hope this guide and tips I’ve shared today will help you cultivate a healthy working habit that will increase your focus and productivity while working from home. Until next time, continue to do well, live well and stay safe!
Please share your feedback and opinions in the comment section below. Share your experience with working from home.
Yours in Style,
Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)
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April 14, 2020 at 10:26 AM
Hi Kobi, these are some really helpful tips. Thanks for so much for sharing them. I’m sure many people who have recently started working remotely due to the pandemic would benefit from it. Personally I have been working from home full-time for years and I can attest to the effectiveness of your tips. For me, tip #3 made the biggest difference. I seem to work a lot better in a separate space that is for work only.
Mr. Kobi
April 14, 2020 at 11:52 AM
Thanks Hank for the great feedback. Appreciate!
Just checked out your website, great job you are doing!