How To Comport Yourself During First-time Meetings

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How To Comport Yourself During First-time Meetings

first-time meetings

Creating a great impression on first-time meetings is important – whether it’s at work meetings, a new job interview, during a casual outing or even on a romantic date.

But what does it actually mean to make a great first impression at first time meetings  — and how do you do it?

We’ve outlined a step-by-step guide for you on how to comport yourself at first time meetings. This article will be of utmost relevance if you fall into any of these 3 categories:

  • For business partners who are looking to secure some profitable deals through dinner engagements or meetings, this article will be of utmost help to you.
  • For the lovebirds in the house, this article will help you build your confidence and self-esteem level when meeting a date for the first time.
  • For those of you who freak out a bit in social situations, are afraid of making conversation or small talks with strangers or cringe at the though of meeting new people for the first time.

first-time meetings

In general, we all have one or two reasons why we’re meeting people, and trust this article to cover every single one of them. We shall be highlighting the points under these subsections.

  • The “What-to-do’s” Before, During, and After first-time meetings.
  • The ” What-Not’s” to do in general.

So let’s jump right into it!



#1:  BEFORE first-time meetings

  • Clean up nice

People want to see you bring your best foot forward when creating a nice impression.

A key part of creating a great first impression is to clean up nice! Make other people feel good and at ease in your presence by putting in some effort to look good and feel good… starting with your grooming.

Do the regular ritual by following some of these personal grooming checklist for men covered here.


  • Dress Up!

The art of dressing the part can never be overemphasized. If people are going to judge you based on your looks, make sure they get it right. Use your dressing to create a halo effect on them.

We have an article that talks about how best to step out for dinner dates.

If it’s a business meeting, you know the vibe, your suit jacket, sports coat or blazers should be in your top selections of outfit choices from your wardrobe.

A black tie event? simply adorn yourself with a classy Tuxedo. If you need more style tips on this, we basically have enough publications on suits, tuxedos, and outing outfits over here.

  • Do your due diligence

first-time meetings

Have as much Intel as you need to get on the people you’re meeting. Don’t be a stalker, though! This just helps to know them and converse better. You’ll be able to know at least a little of what interests them and a conversation can kick start from there with ease.

Is it a business meeting? Knowing more about the company or person you’re visiting is paramount. They’ll know that you’re knowledgeable and this could increase your chances of striking that deal with them.

  • Inform your close ones of your whereabouts

This is an important part you shouldn’t forget especially if you are meeting a total stranger for the first time. Make sure to inform one or two people about the places you’d be visiting. It’s really better to be safe than sorry.

  • Be a little early, or at least on time!

Now, my definition of early is relative. If you are hosting a meeting (irrespective of the type of meeting), please do aim to arrive the venue 15-30 minutes before the said time to make any final arrangements and be prepared.

If you’re the one being hosted, make sure to arrive exactly 5 minutes before the time. Worst case scenario, be there right on time – not a minute late.

Arriving late to a date, whether casual or business is a slap to the host’s face. Keep up!


#2: DURING first-time meetings

  • Your phones on Silent/Meeting Mode, please!

I’m kicking off with this point, why? Because it’s a common one! Your phone rings aloud in the middle of a first-time engagement. It’s really not a good look on someone who’s trying to make a good impression. 

In fact, as you alight from your car or Uber ride, be sure to switch your phone to silent or meeting mode to avoid distractions during your meeting. See phone etiquettes.


  • Start with a Smile

A wide warm smile is everything you need to make the other person feel good and at ease in your presence. And for romantic date meetings, it could create an instant attraction. Nobody ignores the warm smile of a classy gentleman especially if you’ve followed through with the tips in the “Before the first time meeting” section above.

When you smile, they’ll definitely know you’re interested in speaking to them and would receive you warmly – also it would guarantee a second date.

  • Make Eye Contact

first-time meetings

During first-time meetings, avoid drifting your eyes all over the place. When having conversations with a person, it’s important to look into their face to talk, and make eye contact. When you do otherwise, it seems more like you don’t know what you’re saying or you’re bluffing even if you’re not.

You can practice talking to yourself in the mirror while looking directly into your eyes. It’ll help a lot!


  • Talk that Talk

Do not be silent all through the meeting. People like other people who have something to bring to the table, who have a say in one or two topics without bluffing.

This, of course, doesn’t mean you should talk too much, be moderate in all forms. If you’re not talking too much, try to be physically and socially present in the conversation, either way, they’ll know you’re actually interested in the conversation.

Learn how to speak like a gentleman.


  • If there’ll be food, order in small quantities

first-time meetings

When eating with someone you’ve just met, don’t behave or act like you’ve not eaten for several days. Follow these dining etiquettes.

If it’s a buffet, dish out in small quantities which you can finish. Avoid overloading your plates. Some people do starve themselves before meetings, and being famished, they have no other choice than to overload their plates and indulge without control. Nope! This is guaranteed to make a bad first impression. If you must, make time to eat before you come for the engagement, so as to avoid this.

  • Dining Etiquette

We have an exclusive publication on dinner etiquette every man should have 

You can quickly read through and then come back to continue. Here it is.


  • Make Compliments

As the conversation rounds up, make compliments, commend them on something, it could be the outfit, the accessory, hair, shoes or even their successful company or new product release you read recently about.

Say it like you mean it, it gives you a wider chance of acceptance by projecting a positive image of you to the person you’re meeting with.

  • Round up

Round up your meeting – end with a smile of course. If it’s a business meeting or something related, thank the host for having you. If it’s a date, tell your date you enjoyed your time out today with them.


#3: AFTER first-time meetings

  • Catch Up

Over a text, tell them how wonderful that meeting was, discuss future prospects, but do not be too forward though.

Just make sure the conversation doesn’t stay stagnant, check up once in a while. It shows you off as an all-around gentleman.



  • Meeting a Celebrity?

first-time meetings

Now it’s okay to blush and gush over your favorite celebrities when we see them and all, but please keep it casual and normal. Do not forget that they’re also human and are as privileged to be in that room as you. 

Do not also forget that it can also tell on them when you’re all over the place. So a little” hey, omg, big fan” and of course “can we take pictures?” is enough really 🙂

  • Don’t Make Assumptions

I know this point is a bit confusing to most of us. But here it is, do not assume that the meeting will be a perfect one. Always prepare for the worst that might happen. So do not put all those eggs in one basket.

Take measures that’ll prevent you from embarrassing yourself during those meetings, you’d be glad you did.



I believe the above has explicitly explained what your general comportment should be like when meeting a person for the time being.

Make sure to take a hint from the above and do not forget the major ingredient, CONFIDENCE!

Thank you for reading through to the end. Till next time…stay classy, always!

Yours in Style,


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Body Language Etiquette – How A Gentleman Should Sit, Stand, and Walk

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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.
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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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