5 Tips on How a Groom and His Groomsmen Should Dress

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Planning a wedding but not sure of how the groom and his groomsmen should dress? And if it’s your own wedding, here are a few tips on what you and your groomsmen should wear.

groom and his groomsmen

At KOBI KOACHMAN we all want our groom and groomsmen to show up with sartorial elegance on the wedding day. And in the course of styling several grooms and their men, we’ve realized that most men today, find it hard picking the perfect outfit for themselves or their groomsmen for their wedding.

Let’s make it easy for you…

First of all – we know you all want to show up looking better than the rest of us – the wedding guest – however, you don’t have to go overboard doing this. The question is, how should a groom and his groomsmen dress distinctly and still knock it off?

I could say I have a few tricks up my sleeve – correct, but it’s nothing you haven’t heard or seen before. You just didn’t think too much about these small details, or perhaps think it’s just the norm.

And yes it is, but I will make you see this in a new light… and after reading this, you’d say “Oh, yeah now I get it”. You’d give yourself a pat on the back and grin smugly – just before hiring us to step in and elevate your look and that of your groomsmen and give you gents a suitably dapper and classic vibe for your big day.

Now to the question that got you thinking…

How should a groom and his groomsmen dress?

We all know formal wear is the compulsory option for a Groom and his groomsmen unless it is a Traditional Wedding, then, Native wear is required.

Whether it is a Suit or a Tuxedo, it has to be well-tailored to fit – this is Key!

The outcome of the overall look has to be perfect, so, attention must be paid to the tiniest details. From the Wedding Suit to the Shirt, Tie, Pocket Square, Lapel Flower, Socks, Matching Belt and Dress Shoe, nothing and absolutely nothing should be missing from these items in their Outfit. They are all absolutely Vital.

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However, you should bear in mind that how the groom and his groomsmen dress can be the same or similar – if you ask me, I’d say it’s up to you and totally depends on your style preference and the image which you wish to portray at the event.

But overall the outfits MUST match in style with yours. From what your groomsmen wear, to the bridesmaids and most importantly to the woman you’re marrying. It all has to be finely connected like a train!


Now, let’s get to the technical part, shall we?


You must understand it is very important for the Groom to stand out amongst his boys – after all, it’s his wedding right? The groomsmen shouldn’t outshine the man of the day. As an image consultant and a stylist, I always find ways to create a look that will uniquely distinguish the groom and his groomsmen.

There are several ways a groom and his groomsmen should dress so the groom stands out.

#1. He can subtly adjust his Jacket Style.

groom and his groomsmen

While his Groomsmen wear a Suit Jacket, he can put on a Tuxedo Jacket. If your groomsmen are wearing single-breasted, you can go for a double-breasted, or if your groomsmen are wearing three button styles jacket, you can wear a single, and if your groomsmen’s jackets have plain lapels, you can wear satin lapel.

#2. He can wear a different type of Suit.

groom and his groomsmen

In this case, the groom can wear a Three-Piece Suit and the Groomsmen can wear a Two-Piece Suit. They can also wear a different color of suit or jacket that will provide a total contrast and make it very obvious who the star of the show is. Just make sure that the shape and style of the suit and jacket are the same as the groom and his groomsmen.

#3. Personalize the waistcoat.

groom and his groomsmen

Accessories are another way to stand out. The groom can stand out sporting a colored waistcoat, while his groomsmen can wear cummerbunds. And if they all choose to wear waistcoats, the groom should wear a lighter color than his groomsmen, or he can wear a patterned waistcoat while his groomsmen wear plain.

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#4. Personalise the tie and cufflinks.

groom and his groomsmen

For the tie, the groom can switch a regular long Neck Tie for a Unique Bow-Tie. Or, they can all wear a long necktie but the groom can wear one with a different color. You can also wear different cufflinks from your groomsmen. Make yours very distinct in style and shape.

#5. Wear a fancy boutonniere.

groom and his groomsmen

One of the major Accessories a Groom MUST use is The Boutonnière. Like we all know, the Jacket Lapel shouldn’t be left bare, so, instead of using a Lapel flower like the Groomsmen, the Groom MUST use a Boutonniere.

The Best-man’s outfit is usually 99% Identical to the Groom’s but what differentiates them is the Boutonniere, the groom can always stand out with a boutonniere or a mini version of the bride’s bouquet to complement her style. Also, the Best-man can wear a Lapel Flower, Brooch or any other Lapel buttonhole accessory but only the Groom should wear the Boutonniere. (The only exception is when you can uniquely identify the Groom from his outfit or when the best man’s outfit is the same as the groomsmen’s outfit. e.g. in our Featured Image above)

Final Thoughts

When the thought of potentially making a serious style faux pas on your wedding can be the center of attraction for a whole different reason, these tips above will help you look just right for that special day in your life.

Now that you don’t have to worry about how a groom and his groomsmen should dress, you can turn your attention to the honeymoon. Winks 

If you need any help with your wedding, don’t hesitate to contact us using the CONTACT FORM or via email at with the subject “Wedding Styling Service“.

Congratulations in advance. I wish you the best day ever. By the way, order a copy of our Last-Minute Pre-Wedding Checklist (Ebook). Let us have your feedback on how it helps you with your last-minute pre-wedding plans. Kindly leave us a review. Cheers!


Until next time, happy married life!

Yours in Style,


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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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