Why Every Gentleman who smokes should switch to Vaping

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“For those smokers who won’t or can’t quit, the next best thing would be to switch to vaping” – Hayden McRobbie


My cousin, Tony called me last week Saturday and said that he was returning to Lagos, Nigeria the following day, after spending about 8 months in South Africa on a training programme.

Knowing that he enjoys a great dining experience with fine wine, Mexican food, and Continental dishes, I proposed we meet up at Bungalow Restaurant the following weekend – after he must have settled in.

Now fast forward to the weekend…actually yesterday, Tony got to the restaurant before me and was already seated by the time I walked in. I was excited seeing him after such a long time, we exchanged handshakes and brotherly hug – however, what caught my attention instantly was the brightly colored and trendy-looking electronic device he was puffing from.

Of course, I knew Tony was a chain smoker before he left Nigeria, and it wasn’t a shock he was smoking ‘something’ but I was certain he wasn’t smoking a traditional cigarette or a Cigar.

The device he had in his hand glows on every inhalation with sweet smell of vapor emanating from it and the end was fashioned to look like a USB thumb drive, so I wasn’t sure if it was an electronic cigarette he was holding ‘cos the device looked nothing close to the various types of e-cigarettes I’d seen before – which had similar design, shape, and form of a traditional cigarette.

So I asked him – “Tony! what are you ‘smoking’?”

He responded – “You mean ‘vaping’?”


Why Every Gentleman should quit smoking and start vaping

Why Every Gentleman Who Smokes Should Quit Smoking and Start Vaping

Let’s face it: Vaping is much classier compared to smoking. As a stylish gentleman who smokes, switching over from smoking to vaping would most likely make you look and feel classy, more sophisticated and above all, the potential health benefits can be astounding!

Plus, in 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created a rule that extended their authority over all tobacco products, including ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, like e-cigarettes,) which means that there are a variety of regulations that companies need to pass before they can sell their products to the public, making e-cigarettes that much more trustworthy.

Plus, vapers also have the option of choosing to buy e-liquids (the liquid that creates the vapor) with or without nicotine (e-liquids with 0mg of nicotine would be the ideal choice for new users who are concerned about their health.)

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In saying all that, it’s no secret that smoking traditional cigarettes is bad for your health. What most people don’t realize, however, is that it’s also bad for your cash flow. According to a UMass Med School study, smokers who smoke one pack per day can spend upwards of $2,000 per year funding a habit that’s completely unhealthy for them.

Meanwhile, while smokers are blowing their hard-earned cash on their everyday cigarette, today’s new generation of vaping connoisseurs have discovered a feasible alternative that makes quitting cigarettes much easier — all while saving them more money!


The Cost of Smoking

The price of a cigarette pack varies from state to state; city to city and country to country. Though cigarettes can be much cheaper in other places, regardless of where you live, the point is that most people are spending a large sum of money each year to smoke.

The average price of a cigarette pack is somewhere around $6. That means that if you smoke one pack per day – you’d pay more than $2,000 a year!

With all that said, many smokers have made the beneficial switch over to vaping. As mentioned already, vaping can lead to both a healthier life and a fuller wallet — but how is that so?

If you’re willing to sit down and crunch the numbers, you’ll be able to come to a sound decision as to whether or not to make the switch. There are many smokers who even decide to switch to vaping overnight, and while this may be quite encouraging, it could potentially not be financially viable.


The Cost of Vaping

If we use the above example of $6 per pack of cigarettes, a smoker who smokes one pack per day would be paying $2,190 a year. And if someone were to smoke 2 packs per day, they’d be spending over $4,000 just on cigarettes alone! That doesn’t even account for all the costs for doctor visits that’ll come along with it as a result.

Vaping, on the other hand, is much more likely to save you more money in the long run. A first-time vaper would probably start with 2 ½ bottles of 30mL e-juice per month.

A typical e-juice (e-liquid) bottle is priced at around $17 per bottle, which means the same smoker who smokes one pack of cigarettes per day would only spend just over $500 per year.

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After adding the cost of some other necessary vaping supplies, like a battery and charger, you should expect the total cost to surmount to about $650 each year. Compared to the original $2,000 from traditional cigarette-smoking, making the switch to vaping can save you just under $1,500 per year!

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Other Ways To Save Money By Vaping

While we now know that switching from smoking to vaping can undoubtedly save you more money in the long run, there are still a few vapers who would argue that they haven’t saved a cent since making the switch.

Why is this so?

Well, there are several potential answers. Firstly, when a person starts vaping, they usually go for several brands of e-cigarettes to test out which one they like the best. Online stores like Vaper Empire have a variety of e-liquids with different flavors that vaping enthusiasts might splurge on.

Secondly, some new vapers may also wish to experiment with various vaping devices to see which one they like best.

Thankfully, you can avoid this rabbit hole by making a plan for yourself — and stick to it.

Always plan in accordance with your budget, and stop yourself from buying every single item you find at a store.

While it can definitely be fun to experiment with different e-juices and electronic vapor devices – it’s likely that you’ll find yourself overspending and hurt your budget at the end of the day. The truth is: you don’t need to buy every e-cigarette under the sun to find your favorite; a simple internet search on vaping – or even asking a vaper friend – can take you a long way.



For cigarette smokers, it would be best to reallocate your budget from smoking to vaping.

The key difference between traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes is that e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco.  And, because e-cigarettes heat a liquid instead of tobacco, what is released is considered smokeless.


The vaping devices are perfect as they give you an opportunity to still smoke but without the dangerous ingredients found in traditional tobacco cigarettes. This makes a vaping kit a recommended item for smokers who wish to kick-start their journey towards living a smoke-free life.

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Say goodbye to ashes and smoke dust, with vaping, by choosing from a wide variety of flavors to reflect your own taste and personality! 

Treat this as a starting point so you can give yourself a first-hand experience as to where you can cut off your expenses and save your hard-earned money!

Warning: E-cigarettes are definitely safer than smoking but this doesn’t mean they are completely harmless.

While we advise that smokers who are unable to quit should switch to “vaping” e-cigarettes, we strongly discourage non-smokers from taking up the habit.

Till you hear from me again… Continue to Do Well, Live Well and Dress Very Well. Be Classy!

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)
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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion to change people’s lives. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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