Body Language Etiquette – How A Gentleman Should Sit, Stand and Walk
According to Cindy Ann Peterson – “Proper posture sends a positive message, since 90% of all communication occurs through body language and how you carry yourself“. So, how can you carry yourself as a true gentleman? The body language etiquette guidelines we’ll lay out today will help you improve the way you sit, stand and walk.

This article post is part of our series on etiquette.
Having a good fashion sense isn’t enough when it comes to making a great first and lasting impression. Your Body language is a crucial part of first impressions. In other words, a person’s body language and our first impression of them can heavily influence our decision making. This includes everything from your posture to how you carry yourself to the way you talk, walk and act.
Now, some of you may ask – how did Cindy Ann Peterson arrive at the 90% figure stated in the quote in the introduction statement above?
Well, it was Professor Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, who first broke down the components of a face-to-face conversation and came up with the concept of 7-38-55 rule.
Why is Body Language Important? The 7-38-55 rule
The 7-38-55 rule of personal communication states that only 7% of all communication is done through verbal communication, while the nonverbal component of our daily communication, such as the tone of voice (i.e. how we speak) and body language make up 38% and 55% respectively.
Body Language in this context can therefore be summarized as the nonverbal component – 93% to be exact 🙂 which includes how you sit, stand, walk and talk.
I’d enjoin you to read through this article to the end to improve your body language etiquette, so let’s jump right in!
If you are interested in learning how to speak like a gentleman, click here to learn.
Also, you can find our guide to phone etiquette here.
Body Language Etiquette – How A Gentleman Should Sit, Stand and Walk
Let’s start with the sitting posture, I will be sharing below this heading, a few ways on how a gentleman should sit appropriately in environments you might find yourself in, with pictures for easy understanding.
The CROSS-LEG Posture
If you find yourself in an office, event, or even in an airport lobby or lounge waiting to catch a flight, you must understand that cross-legging is an important posture to consider when at ease.
Also note that the appropriate way to cross legs for gentlemen is shown above i.e, the upper or lower calf of the first leg or should slightly bruise the knees of the second in a relaxed manner as shown above.
I should not forget to also add that this is the best posture for those of us who want to hide the crotch area, especially when it’s a gathering where you have to sit opposite a person.
The LEGS-OPEN Position
This is also a very good relaxation posture for men, so basically if you have a problem with crossing legs you can as well try this position, although try not to open your legs too wide, they should be slightly open, like the picture shown above.
Not only does ankle crossing give you class, but it also shows off your outfit, even while sitting, so by merely looking at you, people can already grade your fashion sense.
The first two sitting positions discussed above, entailed being at ease, however, the bend-forward posture is applicable when you are seated on a stool with no back. This of course doesn’t mean slouching, do try as much as possible not to seat in lazy, drooly way.
Also, don’t forget to work with your hands, they can either be crossed or one hand can be at akimbo or, when taking a pose, one hand can be on an accessorized region of your outfit, be it your neck, eye, or your head as shown above.
Moving on to standing positions, below are a few standing positions gentlemen should take note of.
The hand-in-pocket standing posture has to be the number one standing posture every gentleman should try out as it comes with a lot of attitudes.
In its way, it gives you this aura of confidence and structure most especially when you’re wearing a very good fit. It also helps for balance when standing.
For events like wine-tasting or cocktails, you can decide to hold up a glass of wine in one hand, and then place the other hand in your pocket.
The above picture is a very good standing posture for men, this type of posture is best applicable probably when you’re waiting for an Uber near the bus stop or you’re actually in the middle of a conversation with a friend you just saw on the way. You can also try crossing your hands for a classy look.
Believe me, this stance says a lot about your dressing and it also balances your body. You should do this more often!
Moving on to the final posture we’re talking about today, this is a very important body language etiquette to improve yourself on if you have a deficiency in it. The carriage of the body while walking is ace and should not be ignored!
So of course, this walking posture is very paramount for gentlemen with class, if you notice men that walk with their hands in the pocket have this demeanor of class and style – you can also put one hand in one pocket and swing the other
It shows that you are heading for something purposeful and you’re aiming at getting it.
This poise gives out a welcoming look and is appropriate when walking among friends, family, colleagues, and so on. Note that your arms should not be carelessly swung about your body, you can do so in an organized form so you wouldn’t look too carefree.
We could go on and on talking about body language etiquette (postures and poses) for gentlemen and how it is essential, but I believe we can take a hint from the ones I’ve mentioned here while trying your best to be natural and classy.
Basically, as a classy gentleman, bear in mind that while sitting, standing, or walking, your outfit should be put into play, i.e, people can see your total look and access it.
Also, try to keep your chin up when walking, it helps to make you look confident, while sitting, make sure you slightly relax on the chair when your legs are crossed.
Overall, if you feel uncomfortable in any of these poses, make sure to change them as quickly as possible, so as not to cause a defect in that part of your body.
I know you learned something from this article, and as I stated earlier, 90% of all communication comes through body language So do well to communicate class and style in your postures!
We are here to help you look uber classy all the time. If you want to hire us as your personal stylist, image partner, or for any fashion advisory service, feel free to send us your request using the contact form on our website – “CONTACT KOBI KOACHMAN”.
We can help you elevate your look and project the best image of yourself; using the power of clothing and style we will give you a suitable dapper and classic vibe all year round till it becomes a lifestyle – a classic gentleman’s lifestyle.
For quick inquiries, kindly contact our Style representative via email – services@kobikoachman.com or via Instagram DM – let’s get to know your specific requirements.
Thanks for reading. Until next time, continue to do well, live well, and dress really well. Stay Classy, always!
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