Fashionable vs. Stylish vs. Classy — My Take On All Three

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“Most classy men are stylish gentlemen, however not all stylish men are classy gentlemen” – Kobi O. Mbagwu – Founder, KOBI KOACHMAN

fashionable, stylish and classy

Are you fashionable, stylish, or classy? Not quite sure the difference between these three? Read on to find out where you fall under. In this article, I will like to highlight the key differences between Fashionable men, Classy men, and Stylish men.

There has been a lot of confusion between fashionable, stylish, and classy – especially the word “classy” which has been misused quite a lot, especially in situations that don’t denote being classy. That’s why I thought it’s important to clear the air or any confusion that you may have today.

I’m sure you are eager to find out the difference, so let’s dive right in.



Fashion is unpredictable, ever-evolving and ever-revolving!

A Fashionable man simply follows trends, they are influenced by and represent a currently popular style. To keep up with this rapidly changing nature of fashion and ever-evolving style trends is a daunting task. One that is difficult to achieve, nevertheless some men and women do follow this trend, almost always playing catch up. 

Fashionable men are always very versatile, creative and sometimes flamboyant. They are mostly featured in magazines, on TV, and the fashion runways.

From fashionable men, you will hear terms such as – these clothes are in (or out of) fashion, trendsetting, unfashionable, “fashionable clothes” meaning clothes that are in vogue or up to date, and old-fashioned – referring to a person not dressing or behaving according to the current trend.



Being stylish on the other hand is an individual choice unique to how a person wants to present themselves and be perceived. It is mostly influenced by many factors such as your personality, lifestyle preferences, politics, religion, culture, profession, upbringing, etc.

Style is eternal – it lasts year after year, it works for your personality, shape, image, and blends seamlessly into your wardrobe choices. In the past couple of years, personal style has become more popular than ever. People are more conscious about their style.

In summary, STYLE consists of LOOKS, TASTE, FUNCTION, and IMAGE.

  • LOOK is the easy part – all you need is to understand the art of dressing sharp.
  • TASTE develops over time, through experiences – great and luxurious experiences, it could be in music, food, luxury, etc.
  • FUNCTION is dictated by profession, environment, personality, and comfort.
  • Your IMAGE plays a huge role in your style. Your image is a collection of external messages that we communicate through our appearance, action, by developing your knowledge of fashion and improving your lifestyle.

So style is a combination of these four – look, taste, function, and image. These are the keys required when rebuilding your unique brand. Your style and your image are connected to your success.



A classy man is definitely NOT a Fashionable Man – as he doesn’t follow trends.

We’ve heard a lot of guys say – “I’m a stylish gentleman” or “He is a classy man”, and you wonder how come it doesn’t reflect in their behavior.

Perhaps he dresses stylishly and fashionable, but he isn’t courteous and honorable. He compliments her lady on small fine details, calls her sexy, tells her she is beautiful but hits her and verbally abuse her over a slight misunderstanding.


Being a classy gentleman means to be stylish and elegant; respectable and lovely; courteous and honorable; admirably smart and of high class. A classy man is polite, charming, neat, and cares for others. 

To a lot of men, having all these characteristics seems like an impossible feat, therefore they choose to dress sharp believing it will cover up all the other negative characteristics they possess.

A classy man holds himself with dignity and has a clear idea of his values in life, however, a stylish man is more concerned about how he looks. Classy men are no longer common in this modern age, compared to how it used to be back in the days among the gentlemen of the old.

Being classy is very different from being Fashionable or Stylish, it is more about personal style, values, and dignity.


As a stylish or fashionable man, you can make a difference by making the effort to bring more respect, loyalty, and care into the world in addition to dressing sharp and looking the best version of yourself always. This is what makes you a classy gentleman.

If you want to find out which category you fall under, whether you are a classy man or just a stylish man, please use these Kobi Koachman Style Equations below 😊:


Style Equation Kobi Koachman

Pause – Now you see a clear difference between fashionable, stylish and classy.

So when you see a well-dressed gentleman, who speaks with respect and carries himself elegantly, taking the sit out for a lady or opening the door for her, you know the right word to compliment him… Classy!

Want to learn more, find out how to be a Classy Gentleman, click the link below and tweet the statement in agreement!

Read: Top Qualities Of A Classy Gentleman



Final Thoughts

fashionable, stylish and classy


Now you know the difference between fashionable, stylish and classy. I hope you can now decide for yourself where you fit it. Are you a classy man, a stylish gentleman or a fashionable man? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Also please feel free to suggest improvements and contributions on what you’ll like to see MR KOACHMAN have on board this platform. You asked for Videos – we listened – now you can search for #KKStyleVideo across any social media channel and you’ll find our STYLE VIDEOS.

Let us know what article topics you would like to read. Your feedback helps us improve and serve you better.

Until next time, continue to do well, live well and dress really well. Stay classy folks!

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)

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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.
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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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