3 Essential Tips to Keep in Mind as You Climb the Ladder Of Success

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Be careful as you climb the ladder of success. Always ask yourself- “Is My Ladder Leaning Against The Right Wall or The Wrong Wall?”
“The ladder of success is never crowded at the top” – Napoleon Hill

ladder of success


“People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.” – Thomas Merton

This is the case for a lot of people. They are so good at what they do, but they are not really happy.

Some already have a good job that pays very well, but they do not have any passion for that job, yet they won’t make a switch to a new job.

While some others have so much passion in so many other things, other than the job they have right now, they are aware that their ladder is against the wrong wall but they keep climbing because the benefits look attractive – getting promoted each year, the opportunity to take a new house or car loan etc.

In the end, my friend, you won’t find the fulfillment, happiness and complete success you desire.

So, first question…


ladder of success

Wait, before you answer that – this question has nothing to do with how successful you are today in terms of wealth.

It’s about how fulfilled you are as a person in whatever you are doing – now that is “True Success“.

In order to answer this, you’ve got to search within and answer these few questions first.

  • How do you feel about your life today? Are you happy and fulfilled with what you are doing?
  • Have you found your true purpose or mission in life?
  • Are you exploring all your natural talents and developing them into skills through persistent practice?
  • Are you following your “calling” or your “career”?
  • Are you doing what you are “passionate” about or you are doing what “interests” you at the moment?
  • Do you enjoy what you do currently, but on deeper level, you realize that you’re passionate about something altogether different from what you do?

You need to carefully consider all of the above, as it will help you place your ladder on the right wall as you climb the ladder of success.

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If you ignore this, you could climb and reach the top only to realize that your ladder is leaning against the wrong wall or simply put – you’ve been climbing the wrong ladder all along.


Secondly, I must sound a note of warning…


ladder of success

So true…you should definitely tweet this!

As you climb the ladder of success, be careful not to become too good at something you hate.

Instead of doing what you are good at, do more of what you love – what you find fulfillment in.

Instead of wasting time in that job position that you know you hate (even though you are good at it), identify what are more passionate about it, it could be related to your talents. Then get to work – acquire and develop your skills in you area of interest, find a new job or go start something new and channel all your energy and efforts into it.

climb the ladder of success

Here is the tweetable quote that will remind you of an important step you need to take as soon as you are done reading this –


Get your ladder leaning against the right wall and you will see that things would move faster, success will be quicker and you will be much happier.


Take note of these 7 things as they will help you…

  • Life is too short to waste your time doing things that don’t light your fire.
  • You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough.
  • Don’t waste time on things that don’t excite you.
  • Find your passions and go out there and grab them with both hands.
  • Love the Life You Live and Live the Life You Love.
  • Every single day, do more, of the things that you love – and less of what you don’t
  • Understand your talents, skills, and interests. Then improve these skills through training, tutorials and persistent practice.

Lastly, let me tell you my story to inspire you to live your “many lives” doing ONLY what you love.

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Personally, I’ve long been inspired by an idea that I can be whoever I choose to become!

I developed an interest in computer programming right before I entered the University. Before then I’ve always been passionate about Fashion, Style and everything in between – I guess even before I knew what those terms meant (this was my talent).

While studying Engineering at University, I started running a fashion retail business, simultaneously combining it with my academic studies, and was also taking software engineering classes on the side.

So, I later forged a career in Software Engineering starting an Technology company in the process but never abandoning my lifelong passion for classic men’s elegance, fashion, style and quality lifestyle.


ladder of success


I was exceptional as a Software Engineer, rose to the most senior rank possible in this career path, but I wanted more. I realized that style and clothing could be key ingredients in helping people achieve their dreams (something I have always wanted to be a part of).

So I then kicked off another facet of my life as a Fashion Entrepreneur and Image Consultant – founded KOBI KOACHMAN FASHION (an image consulting and personal styling firm) and (men’s fashion and style blog) in the process. 

So what do I do? I live all “my lives” to the fullest, doing what I love, leading a team of people who are passionate about men’s style and image transformation. People who understand the power of clothing & style, and how it can be used to influence people the right way, build success for yourself and help you get what you want out of life.

Who do we serve? We offer our valuable services to men who actually understand the importance of style, who believe they can be transformed from ordinary men to extraordinary gentlemen and understand the importance of that image transformation and the value it brings to them.

Now, one more tweet before we close…


Success is possible for anyone who believes in his dreams and pursues it with passion.

The truth is that when we find our true purpose or mission in life, the climb up the ladder of success becomes easier and quicker.

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When you are serving the right customers with the right products and services (in the area of business or career you love to work in), then you are where you are supposed to be.

I hope you are inspired to chase all your various dreams and passions and never, ever, give up on them. I follow my heart, I follow my passion, I dream big and I never give up on my aspirations no matter what. And guess what? I conquer them all!

Till you hear from me again, continue to Do Well, Live Well and Dress Really Well. Be Classy!


Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)
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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

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