How Can a Woman Get Her Man to Dress Better?

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People often say when poorly dressed men get into relationships, they suddenly start dressing better and their ladies are usually credited as the architect behind their transformation.

What if that isn’t the case for your own relationship? What if your man doesn’t particularly care about his appearance or the way he looks? Have you been struggling to get your guy to understand the importance of dressing well and looking good?

This article might be just what you need. It’ll surely give you a few tips on how to make this happen.

As a menswear image consultant and style blogger, I enjoy helping men dress better and teaching them how to upgrade their personal style to become stylish gentlemen. So when I got an email titled “How Can a Woman Get Her Man to Dress Better?” from Jennifer who reads our blog, I knew at that moment that there were a few ladies out there who share the same vision as I do which is – to help men look and feel their best every day of their lives.

dress better

Jennifer loves her man so much and would not quit the relationship just because her man does not have a good dress sense or because he doesn’t understand style and fashion [I don’t think any woman should].

So she just wants to know how a woman could help her man to be more fashion-forward and style conscious.

Here is the fact, some men just can’t be bothered with their looks and appearance. These ones would need that extra push and influence in order to reach their style potential.

So in case you are a lady, and you’ve been asking yourself same question for a while – “How Can I Help My Guy Dress Better?” then here are some tips on how to make that happen.





There are two categories of unstylish men – (1) Those that don’t care about their looks and style of dressing. (2) Those that are interested in looking good, but have no idea how to do it.

First, identify the category your man falls under.

If he’s in Category (1):

Try to show him the importance of looking good, the importance of making the first impression with how you dress and look. Read this short article for some ideas on what to say to him: The Importance of making a great first impression.

Tell him how much you love to see him look great. Then go out of your way to buy him stylish clothes that will fit him properly. It helps if you have a bit of men’s fashion knowledge yourself. Involve a menswear stylist if you can’t do all the work yourself, but ensure you have already made him see the importance of looking good and he has agreed to give it a try. By the time he has a new wardrobe filled with great outfits for all kinds of occasion and he is getting compliments from people, he will stick to this new found style and he will love you even more.

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If he’s in Category (2):

You might not be able to teach him how to look good and dress better if you are not a specialist in men’s fashion. So you could do either of these two things – Read and Learn about men’s fashion and style and be his educator and his stylist or you can direct him to my style blog – where I provide lots of great style advice for men and then encourage him to read and learn.


Go here to download the Style Guide for free and send him a copy.

dress better



Most men are lazy shoppers when compared to women. So if you are waiting for your man to wake up on a Saturday morning, dress up and drive to a boutique to shop for himself, you will have to wait till all the old clothes he has are all worn out.

What’s the best solution?

Shop For Him but don’t tell him beforehand. Surprise him with clothing you like and ask him to try them on [when he is most relaxed]. If it isn’t his birthday, just tell him how you saw it, loved it and thought it would look great on him. It would help if you know his body measurements, his shirt size, shoe size, waist size (for belts) etc. So get a tape, measure out and get his measurements and sizes and go shopping at those shops that allow returns.

It would help if you know his body measurements, his shirt size, shoe size, waist size (for belts) etc. So get a tape, measure out and get his measurements and sizes and go shopping at those shops that allow returns.

Also Read: 8 Ways To Greatly Improve Your Style



You’ve identified the category your man falls under, you’ve shopped great outfits for him, next you will really need to follow up, compliment and encourage him to wear them rather than going back to his old ill-fitting clothes. For guys in Category 1 as mentioned above, keep on telling him about the importance of looking good, the respect it accords him, how people would look up to him, the success that would come his way when he dresses well etc.

When he wears something really nice, say things like “Wow, you look so hot babe”, “I love you even more right now, look at how good the jacket looks on you!”, “Wow! these shoes were made specifically for you”. Encourage him to buy more of same and never stop complimenting him. All Guys Love Compliments. It’s going to take a while but he will soon get used to his new style.

Also Read: How To Be A Good Gentleman To Your Lady



Now, this is a good one. First of all, no matter how unstylish your man is, he understands the need to look good for special events. Even Category 1 guys switch to Category 2 when it comes to that special event they need to attend, that dinner party or wedding he’s been invited to.

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So a great way to make your man dress better is to invite or bring him somewhere he has to dress up. Help him pick what to wear, and when he wears it, compliment him profusely, make him feel so great. If he is really looking dapper, other people will compliment him when they see his new look. And like I said before – All guys love compliments.

Also Read: How To Dress For A Date


It’s not a great idea to storm his wardrobe and throw away all his old clothes you do not like, in fact, I’m sure you are in for big trouble if you ever do this. Here is the secret, gradually introduce new clothes into his wardrobe first, then sneak out the old stuff that does not fit him anymore.

If he makes the decision to take out some of his old stuff, great! Help him go through his wardrobe and remove clothes that don’t fit him anymore.

Warning: This should only be done after new ones have been introduced into the wardrobe.

 Also Read: How To Save Money While Building A New Wardrobe



When shopping for your man, you should avoid buying things that he does not feel comfortable with. When drawing out a shopping plan for him, consider how to reflect his inward personality with his outer style. Buy only things that match his style and personality. Identify what his favorite clothes are, then get him new ones. Also avoid buying too much at a time, buy small quantity but high-quality items for him. Here are a few good basics you should start with:

  • Good quality casual shirts
  • Good quality jeans and chinos
  • Fitted dress shirts, suits, and neckties
  • A few white vests/undershirts
  • Set of boxers shorts or briefs
  • A nice jacket – blazers or sports coat
  • Good quality leather shoes like brogues, oxfords, and monk straps.
  • Casual footwears such as loafers, moccasin, boat shoes
  • Nice socks that will match/complement his pants and shoes
  • A few stylish native outfits (popular in Africa)
  • A few accessories such as pocket square, tie bar, collar pin, bracelets etc.


A man will listen to you if you inspire and motivate him, therefore you have to practice what you preach. If you look nice and make an effort to dress well, he will want to do the same for you. It’s that simple!

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There you have it, some tips on how to get your man to dress better. Now go on ahead and follow these steps and I bet you he will change for the better in just a little time. That I promise!

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Thanks so much for stopping by and special thanks to the women in our lives for constantly encouraging us to look our best.

As usual, the social media share buttons can be found at the end of this article. Feel free to share this article with whoever you think would find it useful. Also follow us on  TWITTERINSTAGRAMGOOGLE+, and FACEBOOK.

Please, I’ll love to hear from you ladies. How have you been able to get your man to dress better?

dress better

PS.  Do you need help in making your man look great for that special occasion – an event, his birthday or a dinner party? Perhaps you desire a full wardrobe makeover for him? Visit our MEN’S STYLING SERVICES page to choose the service that best suits your need. Then send us an email, let us start with a free Style Consultation.

I look forward to hearing from you, until then…Stay Classy!

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)
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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.


  1. Ayodeji

    July 8, 2016 at 5:55 PM

    Boss, you’re quite the style inspiration, I have to say. Well done!

    • Mr. Kobi

      July 8, 2016 at 7:01 PM

      Thank you for always reading. I appreciate!

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