Bad Beard Habits That Are Destroying Your Beard

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YNo matter how dedicated you are to growing, grooming, and caring for your beard, we all fall into habits that affect beard growth. Maintaining a patchless full and luxurious beard requires more than just genetics, it requires proper beard management. Here are the 5 Bad Beard Habits that are destroying your beard.

Bad beard habits


You spent months and years trying to grow your beard, you applied certain beard products that enhanced the growth at some time, faced a lot of setbacks at the beginning of your beard journey but with patience, commitment, and hard work you finally won the “beard race” and joined The League of Extraordinary Bearded Gentlemen!

Everyone complimented you on your full, patchless luxurious beard, all your male friends became aspiring beard growers because of you…

Bad beard habits

…Then a few months along the line, you realize your beard is not the same, it’s no longer growing at the pace it used to, it’s not soft and lush anymore, you are developing patches in noticeable spots – it then dawns on you that you are gradually losing your seat amongst the bearded elite.

You apply certain products that are supposed to enhance the growth and your situation even worsens – beard thinning. You panic! wondering what is going wrong. Where did you get it all wrong?

Three (3) words brother – Bad beard Habits!

Bad beard habits

You’ve been found guilty of certain bad beard habits – without even knowing and mother nature decided to punish you for that.

But cheer up, all hope is not lost!

The first step to resolving an issue is identifying the issue. The next step is seeking the solution to your problem – and I believe that’s why you are reading this beard gospel today …let the Beard Preacher help you.

I’ve been there before, 3 years ago (2016), I was losing my beard hair gradually, rather than retrace my steps to ascertain what went wrong, I instead sought for that magic pill that would trigger an instant growth twice the pace I was losing it. I couldn’t find it. I was ashamed, people around me noticed the gradual loss of my identity – My Beard.

grooming October 2016

At every encounter with a friend, one out of three would always ask me “Kobi – did you trim your beard?”

So for the next 2 to 3 months, I tried to figure out what went wrong – I couldn’t. After about 6 months I suddenly realized my beard was finally back and better!

Like everything else in life, when things are good we usually forget how rough it used to be, so I forgot about my beard problems and strangely couldn’t say at that time what I did specifically to grow it back.

What did I do to fix it? I had no idea.

Not until this past weekend, I had an epiphany!




See also  21 Great Beard Quotes To Motivate You In Your Beard Journey


Over the weekend, I caught up with a few friends Dr. Baruu, Jack, and Seyi. We’ve not seen in a long while, so we decided to meet up at one of the classy hangout spots here in Lagos to see the Premier League football game – Arsenal vs Chelsea and Manchester United vs Brighton games.

We were all kilted up in our various jerseys – I and Jack repping our club in Chelsea Jersey, Seyi representing Arsenal and Dr. Baruu in a Red Devil’s jersey.

We sat close to the poolside of the Radisson Blu Hotel watching the game. A gentle breeze stroked my bearded cheeks as I sipped my favorite Martini – Vodka Martini (shaken not stirred) occasionally drawing in the sweet scent of chocolate notes from the tip of my Montecristo Sublime Cigar.

Dr. Baruu, who is also a full-bearded gentleman, was sitting by my right-hand side, his left hand on his Old Fashioned glass, filled with The Smoked Old Fashioned Cocktail, while his right hand was on his beard, stroking it over and over again nervously I would say as he watched his team play. So I teased him about it – we all laughed – and continued watching the game.

Then Jack (who had just gulped down his drink – White Russian cocktail and had asked the bartender to remake it for him), made a statement that became an inspiration for this piece.

He said, “But guys, I heard that stroking and pulling your beard is a bad beard habit. I guess Dr. Baruu doesn’t mind losing his beard hair and switching to a goatee style like me 🙂 !”

They all laughed again…the game was forgotten by now, Seyi replied: “Kobi, I think you should write about this on your blog, I’ve been struggling with patchy beards myself – on and off and to be honest I pick my beards when I’m bored – it’s more like a bad habit”.

At that moment, it occurred to me, that I had faced this problem myself in the past (the year 2016) and the only thing I now remembered doing as at that time was that I pulled my beard hair a lot (bad beard habit) and also never moisturized – those were my bad beard habits.

Many of us are oblivious to these bad beard habits that can set back our beard game and slow down our beard career.

And that’s why I say this to you today:

“Gentlemen, conquer these 5 Bad Beard Habits That Are Destroying Your Beard and you’ll be on your way to retaining the beard of your dreams.”

The 5 Bad Beard Habits That Are Destroying Your Beard

#1. Stop Pulling Beard Hair Now!

bearded man

A lot of guys love stroking their beards ‘cos as the saying goes – Ideas are often born from beard stroking. But stroking your beard is one thing, and pulling and picking it is something entirely different.

Pulling your beard guarantees loss of facial hair, causing unnatural patchiness. You end up pulling hairs out and you begin to lose beard hair at that spot where you always pull. This is not a great situation to find yourself in.

See also  Bald and Bearded: Why You Need To Grow a Beard with a Bald Head

That’s the no 1 Bad Beard Habit that is affecting your beard growth.


#2. You Never Moisturize



Dry beards, are you familiar with that? Yes, that’s because you don’t moisturize. Your beard craves a lot of moisture, especially the skin beneath it. Our beards love all the attention and care that we can give, you don’t have to be stingy with your time.

Don’t just wash it with bar soap for the sake of washing it, don’t make this grooming mistake because harsh soaps will dry out your skin and hair especially when you have sensitive skin. Instead, use a natural shampoo for men.

If you have patchy beards, use face moisturizer and beard oil to keep your face hydrated, healthy, moisturized, shiny, and keep your whiskers strong.


#3. You Trim Your Neckline the Wrong Way

man shaping his beard

Trimming your neckline can be very tricky. This is one of the common bad beard habits that can break your beard, a lot of guys fall into this category.

During the first 30 days of trying to grow your beard, you are going to find it looks scruffy. The scruffy look tempts you to shave it all off and feel the smoothness on your face again. While for some, the scruffy look tempts them to shape or trim it to look cleaner.

Resist the urge to shave, shape, trim, or cut any of the hairs in the beard. It’s not going to be easy but always remember that better days are ahead.
Allow it to grow for about 4 to 6 weeks, then you can trim the edges to even the growth.

To end this situation, just get beard trimming scissors and electric trimmer. Invest in a good one to help you trim your beard’s neckline properly.

#4. You Unconsciously Stroke Your Beard

man with beards

We do this when we’re trying to kill time or bored. Well, you’re not killing time, you’re killing your beards! Constantly touching and messing with your beard can weaken your strands, create knots, and cause uneven growth.

And if your hands are oily or dirty, you could be transferring germs to your face, causing acne or dandruff (if you have dry skin).

If you have a habit of always needing to stroke your beards, you will need to find something else to do with your hands. Stroke your belly instead bro!

And if you must stroke your beard, make sure you wash your hands regularly and do this in moderation. Don’t do this if your beard is not full, you run the risk of touching your skin when you stroke.


#5. You Don’t Clean Your Tools

shaving tools

Not cleaning your grooming tools creates room for bacteria to grow. Sterilize your clippers by spraying them with disinfectant for clippers. Clean your scissors by pouring a few drops of alcohol on a cotton ball and rub on it.

Don’t forget to clean your combs and brushes! Remove hairs with your fingers and wash them with soap and water.


I hope you’ve found this guide on bad beard habits very useful. Kindly share with your bearded friends that could need this information.

Are there other bad beard habits that are not on the list? Do share with all of us in the comment section below. And if you have questions do not hesitate to ask.

Invest in these Beard Grooming Necessities. If you have any beard-related questions or you will like to purchase these, please send us an email to or CONTACT US.

  • Beard Oil
  • Beard Comb or Brush
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner

Until next time, continue to do well, live well, and dress well. Keep Your Beard Game So Strong!

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu (Mr. Kobi)

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My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

1 Comment

  1. Eze

    January 22, 2019 at 10:26 AM

    This is a great piece. Thanks

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