7 Poses You Should Strike On Your Next Photoshoot

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There is always something odd around the poses most men strike when taking pictures or during photoshoot sessions. It’s either they strike the same pose in every shot or they basically don’t have the right pose for the fit being worn (or the message they want to convey). The whole outfit is basically put to waste in this case.

Photoshoot Ideas

In this article, we present to you 7 poses you should strike on your next photoshoot. Note that you don’t need to be a professional or runway model to be able to take nice and classy shots of yourself. These are basic poses you could strike, which would show off your outfit glamorously, and give you a gentlemanly look. And of course, get you a lot of attraction on the gram – if that’s the goal. 🙂

In light of the above, let’s jump right into this article.


The 7 Poses You Should Strike On Your Next Photoshoot

photoshoot ideas

Photoshoot Ideas #1

One hand in a pocket – the other touching your dress button or just hanging on the side confidently. Now, this pose is very classy and gentlemanly. It is one of the numerous photoshoot pose ideas you should consider when taking pictures. By putting one hand in your pocket, it automatically shows off the fit being worn. The other hand can be swung around, or be held up to the face, as if you’re looking at your watch, for a suave look. It is an idea you should try out!!


Photoshoot Idea #2:

The look-away while walking: This pose is a legendary one that has been used repeatedly but can be tailored to your own taste. The pose shows your fit in a dimensional way. Due to the fact that you’re in motion, the outfit’s details are being portrayed. The look-away is a sign of being classy and confident, your two hands can either be in your pocket, holding a classy man bag, or they can be swung around.

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Photoshoot Ideas #3:

The use of Props: In most photoshoot studios, there is always the presence of one prop or the other. This is to enhance the creativity of the pictures taken. Individually, your props could range from your leather bags, your umbrellas, your stick, or a cigar probably for aesthetics. Basically, anything to just improve the image’s creativity and quality. Try to include props in every one of your shoots.


Photoshoot Ideas #4:

Leaning backwards towards a wall: Now this is a “fresh guy” pose and is appropriate for every age and stature. It is a look that gives your viewers a total show of your outfit. One leg could also be raised to touch the wall for a more chic look. You can see some of the ideas above.


Photoshoot Ideas #5:

Legs-Crossed (while standing): Moving unto the final pose for today, the legs crossed. This pose is a high fashion one but is one of the easiest to pull off, with your two hands in pocket, or clasped together, you could cross one of your legs over the other while standing. It gives a full mood and expression to your outfit. This is one photoshoot idea you shouldn’t sleep on, if you want to communicate that classy and gentlemanly look in a fashionable way, then this is the right point for you.


Photoshoot Ideas #6:

The Cross-Leg Pose: Well, moving on to the sitting poses, this pose should be at the top of the list. Many people don’t know this, but when your legs are crossed while wearing the right fit, it shows off confidence, royalty, and classiness all in one. It is that pose that will be a great idea for your next shoot. One hand can either be carrying a glass of wine, or a cigar, or could probably just be left hanging.

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Photoshoot Ideas #7:

The Lean-forward Pose: Still on sitting poses, this one is also an epic one to consider when taking photos. Your hands could either be left dropped, placed on one chin or clasped together while leaning forward. You could also try looking away while doing this pose.



The above 7 major poses are definitely a must-try for your next photoshoot session. Above all, I believe that wearing an outfit with confidence, will go a long way in boosting your stance, and poses. This is one thought that camera-shy people need to have in mind.

As always, do not forget your accessories – use them to spruce up your look. This includes your headwear, your eyewear, and your fashion rings. These little things would definitely boost your image, photo quality and style.

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Until next time, continue to do well, live well and dress really well. Stay classy, always!

Yours in Style,


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