111 Style Tips for the Modern Gentleman
With so many style rules to master, how do you keep up? So to help you with the trouble, here are 111 style tips for the modern gentleman.
Honestly, it seems like there’s so much to learn about being a well-rounded gentleman. Just as they say – Rome wasn’t built in a day, having a great style and mastering it takes some time.
It requires mastery of the fundamental principles of Men’s Style, Fashion, and Image. This includes – clothing etiquette, grooming essentials, tailoring and how it affects the fitting of your clothes, appearance, communication, body language etc.
So today, we’ve put together a list of 111 style tips for the modern gentleman to help you get started.
Unlike the other articles on men’s style, this is a guide that covers all aspects of gentlemen style. While the list is not exhaustive, it contains the best of the best of 111 style tips for the modern gentleman that you should follow in order to look stylish, stay dapper and live a true gentleman’s lifestyle.
Consider this your checklist, your mini style guide, and a quick reference source as you proceed in your style journey.
111 Style Tips for the Modern Gentlemen
#1. The modern gentleman understands the importance of well-fitted suits, how it should look and feel.
#2. For a two piece suit, you should keep your suit jacket fastened when walking or standing but you unbutton it when you want to sit.
#3. Gentlemen who are over 50 should get everything trimmed to fit you including your suits, jackets, trousers and your shirts. Don’t wear tight fitting clothes.
#4. When wearing a waistcoat, leave the bottom button undone.
#5. When buying off the shelf, the hardest thing to alter is the shoulders, get them perfect, the rest can be altered.
#6. Charcoal grey, navy blue, and the black suit should be the foundation of every gentleman’s wardrobe. They are perfectly acceptable for all business occasions.
#7. Go for a one or two button suit, never go for three except you are over 6ft5 in height.
#8. Your jacket sleeve shouldn’t be longer than the bone on your wrist.
#9. A charcoal grey suit and a navy blue suit are the most versatile suits you should have in your wardrobe.
#10. Men on the big size should avoid double-breasted suits, they add bulk to your frame.
#11. Every well-dressed gentleman should have at least one or two French cuff shirts (also called the double cuff) in his closet. However, for your first 3 dress shirts, it’s best to stick with more versatile barrel cuffs (also known as button cuffs).
#12. A crisp white fitted dress shirt is a man’s greatest and powerful sartorial tool. Simple, classy, versatile and the epitome of gentlemanly elegance. Every man should have at least one.
#13. You can wear a pink shirt or pink tie, but don’t wear both together.
#14. Your shirt sleeves shouldn’t be more or less than 0.75 to 0.5 inch past the end of your Jacket sleeve.
#15. If the tail of your shirt is above your wrist or stops mid crotch, you should always leave it untucked. However, if the tail of the shirt is below your wrist or enters the palm of your hand, you should ensure it is tucked in.
#16. Go for solid colors if you’re unsure which shirt color suits you. White, light blue and Light pink colors are the most versatile.
#17. The seam at the top of the shirt sleeve shouldn’t go past your shoulder, it should be in-line with the top of your shoulder.
#18. White shirts should look white, bleach them or throw them out if they start to turn grey or if they’ve got permanent stains.
#19. Buy dress shirts that take collar stays, this will keep the shirt collar in place and ensure it looks crisp.
#20. Your shirt should be cleaned and well pressed at all times. No wrinkles.
#21. Take note of the trouser break, as it affects the length of your trousers and the overall appearance. Know the correct length for your trousers and get them tailored accordingly so they are well fitting.
#22. If you’re over 40, you shouldn’t wear distressed or faded denim except your occupation or lifestyle requires it occasionally.
#23. Don’t put anything bulky in your trouser pockets, it ruins the lines of your outfits
#24. Flat fronted trousers make you look slimmer, more pleats will make you look bigger.
#25. You should wash denim separately and inside out to preserve its color and avoid creases.
#26. Black Oxford shoes are the most versatile dress shoes a man can own. While the Double Monk Strap is the “most advanced” dress shoe for modern gentlemen.
#27. Keep your shoes clean and well-polished, people will notice one way or another. Remember your shoes says a lot about you!
#28. Your dress belt should match your shoes in both color and texture (shine and finish).
#29. Invest in shoe trees for all your shoes, they will keep your shoes looking great and ensure they last longer.
#30. There are 5 types of shoes that every style-conscious and well-dressed man should have in his wardrobe. They are casual sneakers, dress shoes, athletic/running shoes, casual boots, and dress boots.
#31. Do not allow the heels of your shoes to wear down. Fix the heel or change it entirely if need be.
#32. Invest in a shoe horn and use it to extend the life of your shoes.
#33. Shoes are an investment so buy the very best you can afford. Avoid cheap quality shoes at all cost – one good quality shoe is better than three (3) cheap quality shoes.
#34. With a black Oxfords, Loafers, brown country Brogues, Chukka boots and plain trainers in your wardrobe, you already have a complete set of shoes for every occasion regardless of the dress code required.
#35. You should know at least three knots for your necktie and then identify an appropriate one that suits your personal style.
#36. You should never wear a backpack with professional attire or native African attire.
#37. You should never wear your sunglasses at night or indoors. Forget what you see in Hip Hop movies.
#38. Accessories add flair to your look, therefore you should always use them.
#39. Pocket squares will add style to any jacket. Use it to elevate the look of your jacket.
#40. Your pocket square shouldn’t match your tie rather it should complement.
#41. Don’t mix silver, gold and platinum colored jewelry in one outfit.
#42. Your tie should stop at your waistband or or the buckle of your belt. Not above or below. In addition to this rule, add a dimple to your tie knot EVERY time, it makes you look more dapper.
#43. Invest in quality cufflinks, they will last a lifetime.
#44. Braces or Suspenders keep your trousers up than belts. When going for suspenders, it’s best the trouser is tailored with side adjusters rather than belt loops.
#45. Invest in a proper leather bag for the office and keep your schoolboy bag for hiking.
#46. Your timepiece doesn’t have to be expensive but should be classy and elegant.
#47. Your wallet should contain just what you need. No extras.
#48. When wearing a sweater over a dress shirt, the shirt collar should be tucked into the sweater.
#49. You should always leave the bottom button of a cardigan undone
#50. Folding your knitwear will keep its shape better and last longer
Hosiery (Legwear) and Underwear
#51. Only wear sports socks when doing sports.
#52. Match your dress socks with your dress trousers to look taller.
#53. Your dress socks should be long enough to never show flesh, especially when sitting down and cross-legged. Go for mid-calf length always.
#54. With bold bright socks, you can add flair to your look but avoid showy pictures or colors.
#55. Keep your underwear clean and never wear dirty or worn out underwear
#56. Throw out all socks with holes in them.
#57. Cut your hair frequently. If you are bald, consider shaving it all off and growing a beard, the bald with beard look is unquestionably powerful and will look good on gentlemen of all ages.
#58. Three (3) people you should have a relationship with asides your partner are – your barber, your tailor or personal stylist, and your doctor.
#59. Always apply moisturizer to your skin. If you’re afraid of feeling too greasy, pick a moisturizer that suits your needs.
#60. Don’t skimp on your weekly grooming schedule
General Clothing Behavior
#61. Always hang up outerwear like jackets, blazers, and sport coats. But fold your t-shirts, casual pants (jeans, khakis, etc), underwear, socks and store them on a shelf or in a drawer.
#62. Have enough clothes and shoes so you never have to wear the same one two days in a row.
#63. Always prepare for tomorrow today. This is very important.
#64. Knowledge is more valuable than money when dressing well
#65. Dressing your age is more important as you get older
#66. Your clothes should fit perfectly. Fit is King, no exceptions.
#67. Master the basics of style. Start by subscribing to our newsletter, it’s a good place to start.
#68. Getting older can be stylish too! Ask Irvin Randle, Richard Mofe Damijo, and Gianluca Vacchi.
#69. If you’re short, go slim fit (not baggy) to look taller.
#70. Never use abbreviated text language when communicating via chat or email. This is particularly applicable in professional settings.
#71. When you meet someone for the first time, always shake their hands with your right hand, never with your left.
#72. Always be prepared for a handshake. If you are holding anything on your right hand shift it to your left in advance. If your hands are sweaty – ensure your hand is dry and if your hand is cold from holding a cold drink, wipe it with a clean handkerchief before a handshake.
#73. Avoid “THE DEAD FISH” handshake: This is the worst kind of handshake and is synonymous to low self-esteem. This handshake is characterized by a limp and lifeless handshake with no energy and no squeeze.
#74. It’s a good telephone etiquette to ask the person on the other end of the line if it’s a convenient time to talk. For E.g. you could say “Is this a good time to talk or am I interrupting anything?”
#75. Be polite to anyone you speak with on the phone. Always speak clearly, politely and slowly. If you become disconnected from a person you called, it is your responsibility to call back immediately. Don’t wait for them to call you back.
#76. Never wear a hat indoors, unless in the lobby or in a public building
#77. Always tip generously when receiving great service, even if it’s not expected
#78. The type of glassware you use for drinks matters. Know which glassware is for water and which is for different types of wine.
#79. Always place your napkin across your lap (not on your table) when dining
#80. A gentleman arrives before his date.
#81. If you ask for a date, you should pay for the meal.
Gentlemanly Behavior
#82. Stay up to date with current affairs, so you always have something to talk about.
#83. Learn how to keep secrets and your word should be your bond.
#84. Master how to keep your cool in difficult situations
#85. Don’t keep a tally of drinks bought when out with friends. Be over-prepared for every outing or stay back.
#86. Your car should be always clean inside and out
#87. Don’t acquire something you can’t care for, that includes clothes, car, shoes, etc.
#88. When going to a new restaurant, a gentleman ensures he is prepared and has read the menu in advance.
#89. A gentleman is never rude
#90. A gentleman always opens doors for a lady.
#91. A gentleman is always punctual.
#92. A gentleman always compliments sincerely and often.
#93. A gentleman always says “please” and “thank you.”
#94. A gentleman never hits a woman.
#95. A gentleman always minds his manners.
#96. Always pay attention to details.
#97. Don’t be too proud to apologize
#98. A gentleman treats everyone with respect
#99. A gentleman takes responsibility for his actions
Men’s Native African/Traditional Attires
#101. Never wear a sports watch with business casual or formal native attires. Get yourself a proper dress watch, a classy piece either in a leather or a chain strap.
#102. Avoid wearing native attires with Leather Slippers (including Pam slippers) for special occasions or events such as Wedding, Cocktail Parties, Grand occasions etc. Rock it only for Casual Affairs and Dress-Down occasions.
#103. For all types of natives, you can wear loafers, moccasins, and any other variation of slip-on loafers without laces.
#104. For some special kind of formal native African wears such as Agbada, Senators and long Kaftans. You can wear any nice dress shoe as long as it’s not lace up. Dress loafers, monk strap shoes, Belgian Loafers etc. are good choices.
#105. You can wear Sandals with your Kaftans and other native African attires. But for formal native attires such as Agbada, it’s best you stick to dress loafers and other non-lace up dress shoes.
#106. Avoid wearing socks with your footwear when wearing native African wears, there is no excuse for this style blunder. Choose no-show socks instead if you have concerns for sweaty feet.
#107. Avoid wearing native African attires with Rubber Flip Flops or any form of bathroom slippers.
#108. Avoid wearing native African attires with belts. The trousers should not come with belt loops – the best choice is side adjusters or a rope fastener made with same trouser fabric.
#109. Avoid wearing your formal native African attires with canvas shoes, sneakers, running/sports shoes or face caps. The only exception is if you are breaking up the native attire look (similar to suit separates) e.g. pairing your native attire top/tunic top with casual trousers (dark chinos or jeans), or when you are when you are wearing casual native attires or pairing a native attire bottom (e.g African or Ankara prints) with a casual top (t-shirt, polo tops etc.).
#110. Accessorize your native African attires with lapels, pins, and cufflinks. They elevate your look instantly.
#111. You can also wear Bracelets with your native attire, choose the style of bracelet that compliments your outfit as well as the occasion. E.g. don’t wear a SKULL BEADED Bracelet when attending a formal occasion such as to work, religious service, interview or in any other professional business setting.
Thanks for taking the time to read through. If you have some more style tips you think should go on the list, add them in the comments.
Just so you know, your daily style habit shapes your everyday life as a stylish gentleman. Mastering all these style tips may be difficult at first, but with determination and hard work, the results will be profitable in the end.
Don’t forget we are always available to help you through the process – Contact us should you need a Style Coach to hand-hold, motivate and guide you through this process – Get in Touch By Filling This Free Style Assessment Form!
So let us know what style habits you want to improve on?
Until next time, continue to do well, live well and dress really well. Stay Dapper!
Thanks for reading.
Yours in Style,
Kobi O. Mbagwu
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Christopher Zakka
August 23, 2018 at 4:19 PM
Every one of the tips is so on point. Koachman, thank you so much for improving my style of dressing with your newsletters. You are raising a Style Army. Keep up the goods works, you are inspiring so many.
Mr. Kobi
August 23, 2018 at 4:28 PM
Thank you Christopher! More success to your style endeavors!